MBJ Technology

MBJ gear wheel

Metal Binder Jetting (MBJ)

MBJ-Technology schematic illustration

Metal Binder Jetting (MBJ) is a sinter-based AM technology that involves two process steps to produce a metal part. In the first step, a green part is printed by applying loose particles of metal powder to the building platform. These particles are then bonded together layer by layer using a binder applied by the printer. After the binder has been applied, the printer's platform is lowered and, for example, a counter-rotating roller or knife applies a new layer of powder on top of the previous layer. This "new" layer is then bonded to the previous layer by the binder. The part is then heated, and in a second production step, the resulting fragile green part is sintered at high temperatures, creating a solid finished metal part.

Characteristic features

  • particularly suitable for components from 5-50mm
  • high printing speeds
  • comparatively favourable

Technical properties

  • Surface: Ra ~ 3-5 µm
  • Tolerances: ±0.1 mm
  • Layer thickness: 50-120 µm
Injection moulding tool MBJ
MBJ gear wheel
Drill with spikes MBJ
MBJ part of gripper
Propeller MBJ
Ratsche MBJ